Manage your work in Umbrava through Tasks.
Adding a Task
Step 1: Go to your Work Order that you want to set a task for. |
Step 2: Click the '+' on the multifunction button on at the top right. Select 'Task'. |
Step 3: Fill in the required fields. Target Start Date/Time puts the task on your task board. |
The calendar icon will open up a time picker to easily pick a date/time.
Step 4: Select 'Save' and your task will be created. |
Using Tasks
Tasks can be found on the Task List, in the Task Tab of a job, and up to 2 tasks appear on the notes tab of the Work Order.
Step 1: View your open tasks on the Task List. |
Step 2: Click the Tasks Reference Link to be brought to the Work Order or Project. |
Step 3: Complete the objective of the task. |
Step 4: Go to the 'Tasks' tab of the Work Order or Project. |
Step 5a: If you need to create a new task, click 'Complete & Add New' on the task. |
Step 5b: If you don't need a new task, click the down arrow and select 'Complete' |