
Created by Kenneth Abad, Modified on Fri, 31 Jan at 9:03 AM by Danita Leach

   Table of Contents

What are Permissions?

Permissions are the rulesets that allow a user to operate within Umbrava. Permissions can be set for roles in the Company Profile. The permissions set for roles will be applied to any user that is within that role.

A user can be granted individual permissions outside of their role in the users profile.

Permissions are sectioned into each area of the app to control what and where users are able to make changes. Each permission is outlined and described below.

How to set Permissions

To set permissions, you have to go to the user profile or roles page and select the permissions tab.

From here, you can expand each section to activate/deactivate any permissions that are needed. All permissions are explained and broken down below.


There are times where you will have the necessary permissions, and will still be unable to make changes. This happens when ownership of the information you are changing is not yours.


Add NewAllows you to add an Asset to a location.
Add NoteAllows you to add a Note to an Asset.
Delete NoteAllows you to delete a Note on an Asset.
Edit NoteAllows you to edit a Note on an Asset.
Edit Cost OverviewAllows you to edit all fields in the Cost Overview section of an Asset.
Edit General InformationAllows you to edit all fields in the General Information section of an Asset.
Edit Warranty OverviewAllows you to edit all fields in the Warranty Overview section of an Asset.

Asset Document

ViewRequired for all other permissions in Asset Document.
Gives you visibility to the Documents tab.
Add NewGives you the ability to add new documents.
Archive PrivateGives you the ability to archive and unarchive private asset documents.
Archive PublicGives you the ability to archive any public asset document on assets on the users company locations.
Download PrivateGives you the ability to download private asset documents.
Download PublicGives you the ability to download public asset documents.
Edit PrivateGives you the ability to edit private asset documents.
Edit PublicGives you the ability to edit public documents on assets on the users company locations.
Make PrivateGives you the ability to convert their document from public to private on an asset.
Make PublicGives you the ability to add a public document to an asset on the users company locations

Client Location

Add DocumentGives you the ability to upload a document to the Client Locations.
Add NoteGives you the ability to add a note in the Notes tab.
Archive DocumentGives you the ability to archive documents and view and unarchive documents that have been archived in the Client Locations Documents. 
Delete NoteGives you the ability to delete a note in the Client Location.
Download documentGives you the ability to download a document in the Client Location.
Edit "Document"Gives you the ability to edit a document that is uploaded to the Client Locations.
Edit NoteGives you the ability to edit a Note that has been created for the Client Location.
ManageAllows you to create Client Locations.
Allows you to bulk update locations and bulk add locations.
Manage Auto DispatchGives you the ability to enable auto dispatch of vendors based on the work order type or trade
Edit "Contacts"Gives you the ability to add and edit the Contacts section of the Client Location.
Edit "Landlord Obligations"Gives you the ability to edit the Landlord Obligations field in the Client Location.
Edit "Location Overview"Gives you the ability to edit all fields in the Location Overview section of the Client Location.
Edit "Site Details"Gives you the ability to edit all fields in the Site Details section of the Client Location.

Client Profile

Accept InvitationAllows you to accept invitations from Clients.
Create ClientAllows you to create a new client.
Manage BillingAllows you to edit the Billing section of the client profile and add Resale Certificates.
Manage ComplianceAllows you to add/edit compliance to the client.
Manage DocumentsAllows you to add/edit/archive/unarchive/download documents in the client profile.
Manage NotesAllows you to add/edit/delete notes in the client profile.
Manage NotificationsGives you access to the Notifications tab of the client profile and allows you to direct notifications from the client.
Manage ProfileAllows you to edit client priorities and the client details.
Manage RegionsGives you access to the Regions tab of the client profile.
Allows the user to set a region to a client location.
Manage RelationshipAllows the user to Deactivate/Activate clients

Client Rate

ViewGives you visibility of the Client Rates in the Client Profile and Client Location.
ManageAllows you to Create/Edit/Deactivate/Activate rates in the Client Profile and Client Location.

Company Profile

Manage Auto DispatchGives you the ability to enable auto-dispatch of Vendors based on WO type and Trade.
Manage ComplianceAllows you to add/edit compliance to the company profile.
Manage NotificationsGives you visibility of the Notifications tab in the company profile.
Allows the user to configure notifications from Umbrava.
Manage ProfileAllows you to edit the Details, Contacts, Addresses, Priorities, and Service Areas sections of the company profile.
Manage RegionsGives you visibility of the Regions tab.
Allows you to create and edit regions and assign locations to a region.

Preventative Maintenance

Gives you visibility of the Preventative tab and allows the user to view Preventative Maintenance.
Required for all other Preventative Maintenance permissions.
ManageAllows you to take any actions in any Preventative Maintenance.
View AuditAllows you to view the audit in Preventative Maintenance.


ViewGives you visibility of the Project tab and allows you to view projects.
Required for all other Projects permissions.
Add NewAllows you to create a project.
Change StateAllows you to Complete/Cancel/Reopen a Project.
Edit Completed ProjectRequires the 'Manage Project' permission.
Allows your to edit the Project Details when in the completed state.
Manage ProjectAllows you to edit the Project Details, View Audit, Link Work Order, and use the Copy From function.

Project Vendor Invoice

ViewGives you visibility of the Vendor Invoices screen in Projects.
Required for all other Project Vendor Invoice permissions.
Add NewAllows you to create a new Project Vendor Invoice.
Approve Over NTE (Depends on "Change State" setting)Allows you to approve the invoice when the total is greater than the vendors NTE.
Change StateAllows you to approve/reject/submit a Vendor Invoice.
EditAllows you the ability to edit the Project Vendor Invoice.
Edit Any StateAllows you to edit the Status of a Vendor Invoice when the invoice is in the Submitted/Canceled/Approved state.
Override TermsAllows you the ability to override the existing project terms. Default terms populate from the vendor's profile.
Edit FieldsAllows you to make changes to the Quick Details, Scope of Work, Disclaimer, and Line Items in the Vendor invoice.
View AuditAllows you to view the audit trail in the Project Vendor Invoice.
Edit Line Item Tax
Allows you to access and edit the Tax section of the Line Items table, and you can edit the Taxable column and the Tax % column.

Project Vendor Invoice Payment

View Payments
Gives you visibility of the Vendor Invoice Payments in Projects. 
Requires Project Invoice permissions.
Required for all other Project Vendor Invoice Payment permissions.
Add Payments
Allows you to add a paid line to an Project Vendor Invoice.
Requires at least one of the "Make ___ Payment" permissions below.
Edit Payments
Allows you to edit already created payments.
Make Cash Payment
Allows you to select the Cash payment type.
Make Check Payment
Allows you to select the Check payment type.
Make Credit Card Payment
Allows you to select the Credit Card payment type.
Make Other Payment
Allows you to select the Other payment type.
View Payment Audit
Allows you to view the Audit on the payments.

Project Document

ViewGives you visibility of the Projects Documents tab.
Add NewAllows you to upload new documents to Projects.
ArchiveAllows you to archive unshared documents.
DownloadAllows you to preview and download documents.
EditAllows you to edit Project Document information after the document has been uploaded.
ShareAllows you to share the Project Documents to either Vendor or Client.

Project Invoice

ViewGives you visibility to the Client Invoice section of Projects.
Add NewAllows you to create a new Project Client Invoice.
Change StateAllows you to Cancel/Submit/Approve/Reject.
EditAllows you the ability to edit the Project Invoice.
Edit Any StateRequires the Edit Fields permission.
Allows you to edit the status on a submitted/approved/canceled/rejected Invoice
Edit FieldsAllows you to edit the Quick Details, Scope of Work, Line Items, and Disclaimer of an Open Client Invoice.
ExportAllows you to Download and Send Email from the Project Client Invoice.
Submit Over DNE (Depends on "Change State" setting)Allows you to submit a Client Invoice with a higher charge than the vendor NTE. 
View AuditAllows you to view the Client Invoice Audit.
Edit Line Item TaxAllows you to access and edit the Tax section of the Line Items table, and you can edit the Taxable column and the Tax % column.

Project Invoice Payment

View PaymentsGives you visibility of the Client Invoice Payments in Projects.
Requires Project Invoice permissions.
Required for all other Project Invoice Payment permissions.
Add PaymentsAllows you to add a paid line to an Project Client Invoice.
Requires at least one of the "Make ___ Payment" permissions below.
Edit PaymentsAllows you to edit already created Project Client Invoice payments.
Make Cash PaymentAllows you to select the Cash payment type.
Make Check PaymentAllows you to select the Check payment type. 
Make Credit Card PaymentAllows you to select the Credit Card payment type. 
Make Other PaymentAllows you to select the Other payment type. 
View Payment AuditAllows the user to view the Audit on the payments on Project Invoices. 

Project IVR

Gives you visibility to the IVR tab of the project.
Clock in and OutAllows you to clock in and out of a project.
EditAllows you to edit an IVR entry
View AuditAllows you to view the audit for IVR entries in a project.

Project Note

Add NewAllows you to create a Project Note with a Type and Description.
Delete Other User's Note
Allows you to delete project notes that other users have created.
Delete Own NoteAllows you to delete project notes that you have created.
Edit Other User's NoteAllows you to edit notes that other users have created.
Edit Own NoteAllows you to edit notes that you have created.
Export All NotesAllows you to Send Email and Download the entire Project Notes page.
Export Selection of NotesAllows you to Send Email and Download individual notes on the Project Notes page.
ShareAllows you to share a project note on creation.
Allows you to share an already created project note with the corresponding Edit Note permissions. 
Use ScratchpadAllows you to use the Scratchpad feature in the Notes tab in Projects.
View AuditAllows you to view the audit on the individual notes in the Project Notes page.

Project Proposal

ViewGives you visibility to the Client Proposals tab in Projects.
Required for all of the other permissions in this section.
Add NewAllows you to add a Client Proposal to a Project.
Add NoteAllows you to add a note to a Client Proposal.
Change StateAllows you to Submit/Cancel/Accept/Reject a Client Proposal.
Convert To InvoiceAllows you to convert a Client Proposal to an Invoice.
Delete NoteAllows you to delete any comment on a Client Proposal.
Edit Any StateRequires the Edit Fields permission.
Allows you to edit the Status of the Proposal regardless of state.
Edit FieldsAllows you to edit the Quick Details, Scope of Work, Line Items, Disclaimer, and Valid For fields of an Open Project Client Proposal.
Edit NoteAllows you to edit an already created note in a Projects Client Proposal.
ExportAllows you to Download and Send Email from the Project Client Proposal.
View AuditAllows you to view the Client Proposal Audit.
Edit Line Item TaxAllows you to access and edit the Tax section of the Line Items table. You can edit the Taxable column and the Tax % column.

Project Purchase Order

Add NewAllows you to add a new purchase order to a project.
Assign Inactive VendorAllows you to assign an inactive vendor to a purchase order.
Requires "Assign Vendor" permission
Assign VendorAllows you to assign a vendor to a project purchase order.
Change StateAllows you to Complete/Cancel/Reopen project purchase orders.
Edit Completed Purchase OrdersAllows you to edit purchase orders that are in the Complete state.
Requires the corresponding 'Edit' permissions.
ExportAllows you to download and send email from the project purchase order.
View AuditAllows you to view audit on the project purchase order.
Edit "Active Onsite Date"Allows you to edit the "Active Onsite Date" on a project purchase order.
Edit "Scope"Allows you to edit the "Scope" on a project purchase order.
Edit "Status"Allows you to edit the "Status" on a project purchase order.
Edit "Trades"Allows you to edit the "Trades" on a project purchase order.

Project Vendor Proposal

Add NewAllows you to add a Vendor Proposal to a Project.
Add NoteAllows you to add a note to a Vendor Proposal.
Change StateAllows you to Submit/Cancel/Accept/Reject a Vendor Proposal.
Delete NoteAllows you to delete any comment on a Vendor Proposal.
Edit Any StateRequires the Edit Fields permission.
Allows you to edit the Status of the Proposal when the proposal regardless of state.
Edit FieldsAllows you to edit the Quick Details, Scope of Work, Line Items, Disclaimer, and Valid For fields of an Open Vendor Proposal.
Edit NoteAllows you to edit an already created note in a Vendor Proposal.
ViewGives you visibility to the Vendor Proposals tab.
Required for all of the other permissions in this section.
View AuditAllows you to view the Vendor Proposal Audit.
Edit Line Item TaxAllows you to access and edit the Tax section of the Line Items table. You can edit the Taxable column and the Tax % column.

Project Schedule Of Values

ViewGives you visibility to the Schedule Of Values tab.
Required for the other permissions in this section.
EditAllows you to set value lines, edit existing value lines, set retainage, and create Progress Invoices in the Schedule of Value.

Project Timeline

ViewGives you visibility to the Project Timeline tab.
Required for the other permissions in this section.
EditAllows you to create and edit items on the Project Timeline.
ExportAllows you to download the timeline to a PDF or as an Excel file.


ViewGives you access to the Reports tab. 
Allows you to access and view reports.


ViewGives you visibility to the Roles section of the Company Profile.
Required for all other permissions in the Role section.
AddAllows you to create a new role for the company.
AssignAllows you to assign users to a role.
DeleteAllows you to delete the role.
EditAllows you to edit the role name and description.
Set Dashboard PreferenceAllows you to set a dashboard for the role.
Set PermissionsAllows you to set permissions for a role.
Requires the 'View Permissions' permission.
View PermissionsAllows you to view the permissions that are set for a role.

Service Request

ViewGives you visibility to Service Requests in Work Orders.
Allows the user to assign vendors from already created Service Requests.
Create/CancelAllows you to create and cancel Service Requests in Work Orders.
Requires the 'view' permission.


Edit Billing SettingsAllows you to edit the settings in the Billing section.
Edit Label Types SettingsAllows you to view and edit the Label Types tab.
Edit Limit SettingsAllows you to edit the Limits in the Roles section. 
Edit Priorities SettingsAllows you to view and edit the Priorities tab.
Edit Project SettingsAllows you to view and edit the Types and Timeline Templates tab in the Settings page.
Edit Company SettingsAllows you to edit the settings in the Company setting section.
Manage Work Order SettingsAllows you to view and edit the work order settings.
Manage Default Not To ExceedAllows you to view and edit the Default NTE tab on the settings page.
Requires either the Label Types or Priorities permission to view.


Add NewAllows you to add a new task.
CompleteAllows you to complete a task.
Complete And Add NewAllows you to complete a task and create a new task from the same action.
Edit TaskAllows you to edit the details of a task.
PinAllows you to pin the task to the top of the task list.
Edit "Start Date/Time" (Depends on "Edit Task" setting)Allows you to edit the Start Date/Time field of the task.
Requires the Edit Task permission.
Edit "Target Start Date/Time" (Depends on "Edit Task" setting)Allows you to edit the Target Start Date/Time field of a task.
Requires the Edit Task permission.


ViewHas no frontend functionality.
Set Dashboard PreferenceHas no frontend functionality.


ViewGives you visibility of the Users section of the Company Profile.
Create API KeyHas no frontend functionality.
Create UserAllows you to create another user.
Deactivate UserAllows you to Deactivate and Reactivate users.
Edit Any User ProfileAllows you to edit other users profiles.
Edit Own User ProfileAllows you to edit their own user profile
Set Any User Dashboard PreferenceAllows you to set other users Dashboard Preferences.
Set Own User Dashboard PreferenceAllows you to set own Dashboard Preference.
Set PermissionsAllows you to set permissions for a user.
Requires 'View Permissions' permission.
View PermissionsAllows you to view the permissions tab of a user profile.

Vendor Profile

Create VendorAllows you to create a new vendor.
Manage BillingAllows you to edit Billing and Resale Certificates in the Vendor Profile.
Manage ComplianceAllows you to add/edit/download compliance items in the Compliance section of the Vendor Profile.
Manage DocumentsAllows you to add/edit/archive/unarchive/download documents in the Vendor Profile.
Manage NotesAllows you to add/edit/delete notes in the Vendor Profile.
Manage ProfileAllows you to edit the Details, Addresses, Service Areas, Vendor Alerts, and mark duplicate vendors.
Manage Rehire EligibilityAllows you to mark a vendor as ineligible for rehire and eligible for rehire.
Manage RelationshipAllows you to Deactivate and Reactivate a vendor.

Vendor Rate

ViewGives you visibility of the Rates tab of a Vendor Profile.
Required for all other permissions in the Vendor Rate set.
AcceptAllows you to accept submitted rates by the Vendor.
ManageAllows you to add/edit/deactivate rates on the Vendor Profile.
View AuditAllows you to access the vendor rate audit.

Work Order

ViewGives you visibility to the Work Orders tab of Umbrava.
AcceptAllows you to accept a work order from a client.
Bulk Add (Depends on "Create" setting)Allows you to create work orders using a .CSV in the work order list.
Bulk UpdateAllows you to use the bulk update tool for work orders.
Requires the 'Edit' permissions to update the corresponding fields.
CancelAllows you to Cancel a work order
CloseAllows you to Close a completed Work Order
CompleteAllows you to move a work order to the 'Complete' phase.
Convert To ProjectAllows you the ability to convert a work order to a project.
CreateAllows you to create work orders.
Edit Any PhaseAllows you to edit information when a work order is not in the 'Open' phase.
Requires the corresponding 'Edit' permissions.
ExportAllows you to download and send email from the work order.
FlagAllows you to set a flag on a work order.
HoldAllows you to put a work order on hold.
RecallAllows you to recall a work order that has been assigned to them.
DeclineAllows you to decline a work order that has not been accepted.
ReopenAllows you to reopen a work order that has been assigned to them.
View AuditAllows you to access the work order audit.
AssetAllows you to add or change an asset in a work order.
Edit "Assigned To"Allows you to change the Assigned To in a work order.
Edit "Client DNE"Allows you to change and set the Client DNE in a work order.
Allows you to set the Budget for a work order.
Edit "Completion SLA" (Depends on "Edit Priority" setting)Allows you to set and edit the Completion SLA in a work order.
Requires the 'Edit Priority' permission.
Edit "First Trip SLA" (Depends on "Edit Priority" setting)Allows you to set and edit the First Trip SLA in a work order.
Requires the 'Edit Priority' permission.
Edit "Location"Allows you to change the location in a work order.
Edit "Priority"Allows you to change and set the priority for a work order.
Edit "Source Job #"Allows you to change the Source Job # field in a work order
Edit "Source Purchase Order #"Allows you to change the Source Purchase Order # field in a work order
Edit "Status"Allows you to change and set the status for a work order.
Edit "Trades"Allows you to edit the trades that have been selected for a work order.

Work Order Vendor Invoice

ViewGives you visibility to the Vendor Invoice page of the work order.
Required for all other permissions in this section.
Add NewAllows you to create a vendor invoice.
Approve Over NTE (Depends on "Change State" setting)Allows you to approve the invoice when the total is greater than the vendors NTE.
Requires the 'Change State' permission.
Change StateAllows you to approve/reject/submit a Work Order Vendor Invoice.
Edit Any StateAllows you to edit the Status of a Work Order Vendor Invoice when the invoice is in the Submitted/Canceled/Approved state.
Edit FieldsAllows you to make changes to the Quick Details, Scope of Work, Disclaimer, and Line Items in the Work Order Vendor invoice.
View AuditAllows you to view the audit trail in the Work Order Vendor Invoice.

Work Order Vendor Invoice Payment

View PaymentsGives you visibility of the Vendor Invoice Payments in Work Orders. 
Requires Work Order Vendor Invoice permissions.
Required for all other Work Order Vendor Invoice Payment permissions.
Add PaymentsAllows you to add a paid line to a Work Order Vendor Invoice.
Requires at least one of the "Make ___ Payment" permissions below.
Edit PaymentsAllows you to edit Invoice payments.
Make Cash PaymentAllows you to select the Cash payment type.
Make Check PaymentAllows you to select the Check payment type.
Make Credit Card PaymentAllows you to select the Credit Card payment type.
Make Other PaymentAllows you to select the Other payment type.
View Payment Audit
Allows you to view the audit on the payments.

Work Order Document

ViewGives you visibility of the Documents tab in a work order.
Add NewAllows you to upload and edit document in the work order.
ArchiveAllows you to archive/unarchive documents in a work order.
DownloadAllows you to preview and download work order documents.
ShareAllows you to share the work order documents to either Vendor or Client.

Work Order Invoice

ViewGives you visibility of the Client Invoices section of a work order.
Add NewAllows you to create a new Client Invoice in a work order.
Change StateAllows you to Submit/Approve/Reject a client invoice.
Edit Any StateAllows you to edit the status on a submitted/approved/canceled/rejected Invoice
Requires the 'Edit Fields' permission.

Edit FieldsAllows you to edit a work order client invoice in the 'Open' state.
ExportAllows you to download and send email from the work order client invoice.
Submit Over DNE (Depends on "Change State" setting)Allows you to submit a client invoice that has a charge higher than the work order DNE.
View Audit
Allows you to view the audit on a work order client invoice.
Edit Line Item TaxAllows you to edit the Tax section of the Line Items.
Requires the 'Edit Fields' permission.

Work Order Invoice Payment

View PaymentsGives you visibility to payments in the work order client invoice.
Add PaymentsAllows you to add a paid line to a work order client invoice.
Requires at least one of the "Make ___ Payment" permissions below.
Edit PaymentsAllows you to edit already created work order client invoice payments.
Make Cash PaymentAllows you to select the Cash payment type.
Make Check PaymentAllows you to select the Check payment type.
Make Credit Card PaymentAllows you to select the Credit Card payment type.
Make Other PaymentAllows you to select the Other payment type.
View Payment AuditAllows you to view the audit on the payments.

Work Order IVR

ViewGives you visibility to the IVR tab of a work order.
Clock In And OutAllows you to clock in and out of a work order.
EditAllows you to edit an IVR entry.
View AuditAllows you to view the audit for IVR entries in a work order.

Work Order Note

Add NewAllows you to create a note in a work order.
Delete Other User's Noteallows you to delete notes that other users have created.
Delete Own NoteAllows you to delete notes that they have created.
Edit Other User's NoteAllows you to edit notes that other users have created.
Edit Own NoteAllows you to edit own note.
Export All NotesAllows you to send email and download the note list in a work order.
Export Selection Of NotesAllows you to send email and download from the individual note context menu.
ShareAllows you to share a note to a client or vendor.
View AuditAllows you to view the audit of a work order note.

Work Order Proposal

ViewGive you visibility of the Client Proposal tab in a work order.
Add NewAllows you to add a new client proposal.
Add NoteAllows you to create a note in a client proposal.
Change StateAllows you to Submit/Cancel/Approve/Reject client proposals.
Convert To InvoiceAllows you to convert a client proposal to a client invoice.
Delete NoteAllows you to delete notes in a client proposal.
Edit Any StateAllows you to edit the status on a submitted/approved/canceled/rejected proposal.
Requires the 'Edit Fields' permission.
Edit FieldsAllows you to edit a work order client proposal in the 'Open' state.
Edit NoteAllows you to edit a note in a client proposal.
ExportAllows you to send email and download a client invoice in a work order.
View AuditAllows you to view the audit of a client invoice.
Edit Line Item TaxAllows you to edit the Tax section of the Line Items.
Requires the 'Edit Fields' permission.

Work Order Purchase Order

Add NewAllows you to create a purchase order on a work order.
Assign Inactive VendorAllows you to assign an inactive vendor to a work order purchase order.
Requires the 'Assign Vendor' permission
Assign VendorAllows you to assign a vendor to a work order purchase order.
CancelAllows you to cancel a purchase order.
CloseAllows you to close a completed purchase order.
CompleteAllows you to complete a purchase order.
Edit Any PhaseAllows you to edit a purchase order that is not in the 'Open' phase.
Requires the corresponding 'Edit' permission.
ExportAllows you to download and send email from the purchase order.
Get IVR LinkAllows you to access the IVR link in the purchase order.
HoldAllows you to put the purchase order on hold.
RecallAllows you to recall a purchase order that is in the 'Completed' or 'Canceled' phase.
ReopenAllows you to reopen a purchase order that is not in the 'Open' phase.
RevokeAllows you to revoke an unaccepted purchase order.
View AuditAllows you to view the purchase order audit.
Edit "Completion SLA" (Depends on "Edit Priority" setting)Allows you to edit the 'Completion SLA' field in a purchase order.
Requires the 'Edit Priority' permission.
Edit "First Trip SLA" (Depends on "Edit Priority" setting)Allows you to edit the 'First Trip SLA' field in a purchase order.
Requires the 'Edit Priority' permission.
Edit "Priority"Allows you to change the priority of the purchase order.
Edit "Status"Allows you to change the status of a purchase order.
Edit "Trades"Allows you to add and remove trades from a purchase order.
Edit "Vendor NTE"Allows you to edit the 'Vendor NTE' field.

Work Order Vendor Proposal

Add NewAllows you to add a new vendor proposal in a work order.
Add NoteAllows you to create a note in a vendor proposal in a work order.
Change StateAllows you to Submit/Cancel/Approve/Reject vendor proposals in a work order.
Delete NoteAllows you to delete notes in a vendor proposal of a work order.
Edit Any StateAllows you to edit the status on a submitted/approved/canceled/rejected proposal.
Requires the 'Edit Fields' permission.
Edit FieldsAllows you to edit a work order vendor proposal in the 'Open' state.
Edit NoteAllows you to edit a note in a vendor proposal of a work order.
ViewGive you visibility of the Vendor Proposal tab in a work order.
View AuditAllows you to view the audit of a vendor invoice in a work order.
Edit Line Item TaxAllows you to edit the Tax section of the Line Items.
Requires the 'Edit Fields' permission.

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